William J. Kolarik II
Partner Phone: 225.382.3441
Fax: 225.388.9133
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Willie Kolarik is a partner in Kean Miller's state and local tax group with almost 20 years of experience advising major companies on tax-related matters. Willie has provided tax advice to many of the world's largest businesses across multiple industry groups, including, energy, financial institutions, industrial products, retail, consumer goods, health care, entertainment and utilities. He has handled every major aspect of corporate, state, and local tax matters, with a primary focus on state and local income, sales and use, gross receipts, property, payroll and other transaction-based taxes.
Willie has significant controversy and tax planning experience related to the state and local taxation of commodities and derivative transactions for financial institutions, commodities traders, and energy companies and is familiar with the state and local tax consequences of both physical and financial transactions related to base metals, sugar, coffee, grains, natural gas, oil and electricity. He also has extensive experience assisting public utilities with state and local tax matters and with the tax and tax-related regulatory accounting issues associated with public utility ratemaking, e.g., normalization and consolidated tax savings adjustments. Willie has also participated in numerous energy industry transactions for both private equity firms and strategic investors involving both regulated and unregulated targets.
Willie is well-versed in the state and local tax systems among the various states. He has provided critical commentary, research, and analysis on case law, administrative, and legislative developments in the areas of state and local taxation in connection with tax policy discussions for both commercial and governmental clients. Willie's tax controversy experience includes representing clients before a variety of state and local taxing agencies.
In addition to his work assisting clients in tax advice and multistate tax planning, Willie is an accomplished author, having published substantive articles in The Tax Lawyer and State Tax Notes and co-authored a state and local tax column for CCH Corporate Business Taxation Monthly. Willie's research has been cited in testimony before the U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary, a petition for a writ of certiorari and an amicus curiae brief to the United States Supreme Court, in an amicus curiae brief to the Illinois Supreme Court, and in several peer reviewed law journals.
Before joining Kean Miller, Willie worked for a large regional law firm and Ernst & Young's National Tax Department Indirect Tax practice, where he worked with the Power and Utilities group, the Indirect Tax Controversy group, and the State and Local Tax Center for Tax Policy. Prior to that, Willie worked for The Walt Disney Company, where he supervised the federal and state and local tax compliance for the Cable and Broadcasting group and assisted in state income tax planning projects, corporate restructurings, exposure analysis, legislative analysis, and the state income tax provision.
Willie is a Certified Public Account (inactive) in California and Louisiana.
- University of Texas at Austin, B.B.A., Accounting, 2000
- University of Texas at Austin, M.P.A., 2000
- LSU Law Center, J.D./D.C.L., cum laude, 2009
- Georgetown University Law Center, LL.M., Taxation, 2010
- Louisiana
- Member, Louisiana State Bar Association
- Member, American Bar Association (Section of Taxation)
- Member, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (Tax Section)
- Fellow, American College of Tax Counsel
- Co-Author, Tennessee Budget Item Highlights Louisiana Franchise Tax Issue, Tax Notes State, March 25, 2024
- Co-Author, A Pictorial Guide to the National Pork Producers Council Decision, Tax Notes State, June 26, 2023
- Co-Author, Louisiana Tax Developments - The 2023 Regular Legislative Session, Louisiana Law Blog, June 20, 2023
- Jaye Calhoun and William J. Kolarik II, In Jeopardy Productions, Louisiana Court Answers: What is Due Process?, 98 St. Tax Notes 707, November 16, 2020
- Jaye Calhoun and William J. Kolarik II, Managing Louisiana Local Sales and Use Tax Contract Audits, 92 St. Tax Notes 19, April 1, 2019
- William J. Kolarik II, Managing Louisiana Local Sales and Use Tax Contract Audits, State Tax Notes, April 1, 2019, pp. 19-24 (original publisher, Tax Analysts)
- Jaye Calhoun and William J. Kolarik II, Implications of the Supreme Court's Historic Decision in Wayfair, 89 St. Tax Notes 125, July 9, 2018
- Jaye Calhoun, David P. Hamm, Jr., and William J. Kolarik II, A Possible, Partial Solution to Unique SALT Issues Related to TEFRA Repeal, 27 Journal of Multistate Taxation and Incentives, No. 9, 14, January 2018
- William Joel Kolarik II and Michael J. Semes, U.S. Supreme Court Decision Questions Deference to Tax Authorities, 77 St. Tax Notes 633, August 17, 2015
- William Joel Kolarik II and Steven N.J. Wlodychak, The Economic Substance Doctrine in Federal and State Taxation, 67 Tax Law. 715 (2014)
- Dan Glugatch, Lori Haniford, and William Joel Kolarik II, Reporting Changes to Federal Taxable Income on State Income Tax Returns, 64 St. Tax Notes 769, June 11, 2012
- Bryan Dixon, Derek Rawls, and William Joel Kolarik II, A Practical Approach to UDITPA Section 18, 62 St. Tax Notes 301, October 31, 2011
- William J. Kolarik II, Untangling Substantial Nexus, 64 Tax Law. 851 (2011)
- William J. Kolarik II, Restricting a Taxpayer's Right of Court Access, Louisiana Style, 51 St. Tax Notes 935, March 23, 2009
- Businesses with Louisiana Worker Classification Concerns Should Consider Relief Provisions as New 1099-NEC Filing Requirements Go into Effect, Louisiana Law Blog (January 20, 2023)
- Automatic Extension of Time for Filing Louisiana Income Tax, Corporate Income Tax and Franchise Tax Returns, Louisiana Law Blog (December 12, 2022)
- DOJ's Decision Not to Appeal the Fifth Circuit's Decision in Trafigura Trading Creates Oil Export Tax Refund Opportunities and Uncertainty, Louisiana Law Blog (October 26, 2022)
- When to Challenge the Denial of an Interest Expense Deduction in Louisiana, Louisiana Law Blog (September 28, 2022)
- William J. Kolarik II, Marks Aviation, 70 La. B.J. 1, (June/July 2022)
- Jaye A. Calhoun & William J. Kolarik II, Taxpayer Considerations for La. Audit Program Participation, Law360 (October 29, 2021)
- State Launches "Transfer Pricing" Program to Reduce Tax Uncertainty for Business, Baton Rouge Business Report (October 29, 2021)
- Louisiana Department of Revenue Announces A Transfer Pricing Managed Audit Program, Louisiana Law Blog (October 28, 2021)
- Kean Miller Wins Important Louisiana Appellate Court Victory Striking Down Corporation Income Tax Regulation, Louisiana Law Blog (January 14, 2021)
- Jaye A. Calhoun & William J. Kolarik II, La. Tax Talk: Legislature Takes On Tax Reform, Law360 (April 19, 2021)
- Jaye A. Calhoun & William J. Kolarik II, La Tax Talk: Hotel Taxes, Parish Dispute, Challenging Regs, Law360 (March 18, 2021)
- Jaye A. Calhoun & William J. Kolarik II, La Tax Talk: Fair Market Value Jeopardy, Inventory Tax Credit, Law360 (January 28, 2021)
- The President Signs the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. Including Tax Changes Intended to Assist Individuals and Businesses Impacted by the Lockdowns of 2020, Louisiana Law Blog (December 28, 2020)
- Jaye A. Calhoun & William J. Kolarik II, 5 Significant Louisiana Tax Developments of 2020, Law360 (December 22, 2020)
- Jaye A. Calhoun & William J. Kolarik II, La. Taxpayers Deserve Opportunity to Support Deductions, Law360 (December 8, 2020)
- The Louisiana Department of Revenue is Disallowing your Legitimate Interest Expense Deductions - What Can You Do? Louisiana Law Blog (December 3, 2020)
- Louisiana Court Limits the Reach of Economic Nexus in Jeopardy Productions, Louisiana Law Blog (November 30, 2020)
- Louisiana Department of Revenue Comments on Local Collectors' Centralized Sales and Use Tax Proposal, Louisiana Law Blog (November 5, 2020)
- Jaye A. Calhoun and William J. Kolarik II, La. Tax Proposal Signals Progress On Centralized Collection, Law360 (October 28, 2020)
- Centralized Sales and Use Tax Collection Proposal Submitted by Local Associations, Louisiana Law Blog (October 23, 2020)
- It's Waiver Season in Louisiana! Factors to Consider, Louisiana Law Blog (October 13, 2020)
- Louisiana Legislature Calls Itself Into Second Extraordinary Session and Includes Certain Tax Issues, Louisiana Law Blog (September 30, 2020)
- Update: Certain Uncertainties Resolved by SBA Regarding Payroll Costs of Partnerships and Sole Proprietors Applying for CARES Act Payroll Protection Program Loans, Louisiana Law Blog (April 15, 2020)
- Traps for the Unwary: Not All State Tax Deadlines Have Been Extended, Louisiana Law Blog (April 15, 2020)
- Uncertainties Created by Tax and Accounting Issues Raised by the Paycheck Protection Program in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, Louisiana Law Blog (April 2, 2020)
- Tax Related Employment and Employee Benefits Changes in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, Louisiana Law Blog (April 1, 2020)
- Tax and Accounting Implications of the $2 Trillion Stimulus to Assist Individuals and Businesses Impacted by the Novel Coronavirus Pandemic, Louisiana Law Blog (March 27, 2020)
- Walmart.com Tax Ruling Spurs La. Marketplace Facilitator Bill, Law360.com (March 3, 2020)
- Louisiana First Circuit Court of Appeal Limits The Application of Late Payment Penalties, Louisiana Law Blog (January 15, 2020)
- 2019 Legislative Session and Other Tax Updates, Louisiana Law Blog (July 26, 2019)
- Jaye A. Calhoun and William J. Kolarik II, Property Tax and Use Tax Developments Keep Things Interesting, 66 La. B.J. 6, (April/May 2019)
- Louisiana Supreme Court Rules Act 109 Limitations on the Credit for Taxes Paid to Other States are Unconstitutional, Creating a Potential Refund Opportunity for Certain Taxpayers, Louisiana Law Blog (December 10, 2018)
- American Bar Association Section of Taxation's State and Local Taxes Committee, Report to the Multistate Tax Commission on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, (November 19, 2018) (contributor)
- William J. Kolarik II, U.S. Supreme Court Decision, 66 La. B.J. 3, (October/November, 2018)
- William J. Kolarik II, South Dakota v. Wayfair (to be titled), 66 La. B.J. __, Louisiana Bar Journal (October/November 2018) (forthcoming)
- Louisiana Department of Revenue Releases Post-Wayfair Guidance for Remote Sellers, Louisiana Law Blog (August 10, 2018)
- Louisiana Tax Changes Impacting the Hospitality Industry, Louisiana Law Blog (June 29, 2018)
- Louisiana Sales and Use Tax Rate Changes Cut the Additional Temporary Penny and Raise the Rate on Business Utilities - Effective July 1, 2018, Louisiana Law Blog (June 26, 2018)
- Suddenly Everything Has Changed: United States Supreme Court Adopts an Undefined Uniform Substantial Nexus Standard, Overturns Quill, and Fundamentally Alters the State Tax Landscape in Historic Wayfair Decision, Louisiana Law Blog (June 21, 2018)
- Louisiana and Parishes Considering How to Realize Benefit from Scotus' Wayfair Decision - Working to Change Effective Date of Enabling Legislation, Louisiana Law Blog (June 21, 2018)
- SALT Tax Alert: SCOTUS Issues Decision in Wayfair Case, Louisiana Law Blog (June 21, 2018)
- Louisiana Board of Tax Appeals Holds that the Individual Net Capital Gain Exclusion Applies to a Multi-Step Transaction, Louisiana Law Blog (June 21, 2018)
- Louisiana Department of Revenue Issuing Arm's Length Transfer Pricing Adjustments, Louisiana Law Blog (January 4, 2018)
- The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) and Its Impacts on Businesses and Individuals, Louisiana Law Blog (December 23, 2017)
- 2017 Louisiana Regular Legislative Session Ends on a Rather Anticlimactic Note, Louisiana Law Blog (June 23, 2017)
- Jaye A. Calhoun and William J. Kolarik II, Sales and Use Tax Laws - Differentiating Between Exemptions and Exclusions Under Louisiana Law, ABA Tax Times Vol. 36 No. 3 (June 2017)
- Louisiana Governor Edwards' Proposed Commercial Activity Tax Dies In House Ways and Means Committee, Louisiana Law Blog (April 25, 2017)
- Legislation Composing Governor Edwards' Proposed Tax Reforms Filed in the Louisiana House of Representatives, Louisiana Law Blog (April 17, 2017)
- Governor Edwards Proposes Comprehensive Louisiana Tax Reform Package, Louisiana Law Blog (March 30, 2017)
- Recent Cases Highlight the Questionable Constitutionality of Louisiana's "Throw-Out" Rule, Louisiana Law Blog (February 9, 2017)
- Jaye A. Calhoun and William J. Kolarik II, Louisiana State and Local Use Tax Collection by Remote Vendors, Louisiana Bar Journal (February/March 2017)
- Phillip Tatarowicz and William Joel Kolarik II, Developments in Multistate Taxation, Corporation Business Taxation Monthly, Vol. 13, No. 1, at 5 (October 2011)
- Phillip Tatarowicz and William Joel Kolarik II, Developments in Multistate Taxation, Corporation Business Taxation Monthly, Vol. 12, No. 12, at 5 (September 2011)
- Phillip Tatarowicz and William Joel Kolarik II, Developments in Multistate Taxation, Corporation Business Taxation Monthly, Vol. 12, No. 11, at 5 (August 2011)
- Phillip Tatarowicz and William Joel Kolarik II, Developments in Multistate Taxation, Corporation Business Taxation Monthly, Vol. 12, No. 10, at 5 (July 2011)
- Phillip Tatarowicz and William Joel Kolarik II, Developments in Multistate Taxation, Corporation Business Taxation Monthly, Vol. 12, No. 9, at 5 (June 2011)
- Phillip Tatarowicz and William Joel Kolarik II, Developments in Multistate Taxation, Corporation Business Taxation Monthly, Vol. 12, No. 8, at 5 (May 2011)
- Phillip Tatarowicz and William Joel Kolarik II, Developments in Multistate Taxation, Corporation Business Taxation Monthly, Vol. 12, No. 7, at 5 (April 2011)
- Phillip Tatarowicz and William Joel Kolarik II, Developments in Multistate Taxation, Corporation Business Taxation Monthly, Vol. 12, No. 6, at 5 (March 2011)
- Phillip Tatarowicz and William Joel Kolarik II, Developments in Multistate Taxation, Corporation Business Taxation Monthly, Vol. 12, No. 5, at 5 (February 2011)
- Phillip Tatarowicz and William Joel Kolarik II, Developments in Multistate Taxation, Corporation Business Taxation Monthly, Vol. 12, No. 4, at 5 (January 2011)
- Phillip Tatarowicz and William Joel Kolarik II, Developments in Multistate Taxation, Corporation Business Taxation Monthly, Vol. 12, No. 3, at 5 (December 2010)
- Phillip Tatarowicz and William Joel Kolarik II, Developments in Multistate Taxation, Corporation Business Taxation Monthly, Vol. 11, No. 12, at 5 (September 2010)
- Roxanne Bland, Wayfair: A Question of Economic and Virtual Presence, 104 Tax Notes State 1259 (June 20, 2022)
- Petition for a writ of certiorari, Ooma, Inc. v. Department of Revenue, State of Oregon, Dkt. No. 21-1488 (May 23, 2022)
- Application to extend the time to file a petition for a writ of certiorari from March 23, 2022 to April 22, 2022, submitted to Justice Kagan, Ooma, Inc. v. Department of Revenue, State of Oregon, Dkt. No. 21-1488 (March 10, 2022)
- Richard W. Nenno, 869-2nd T.M. (BNA), State Income Taxation of Trusts (2021)
- Marcio Augusto Pereira Da Silva Campos, Digital Economy And International Taxation - The digital revolution and its impact on the discourse of international tax law, Doctoral thesis presented to the graduate programs in law at the University of Brasília and the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, as a final requirement for obtaining the titles of Doutor em Di reito, Estado e Constituição, and of Docteur en Droit Privé, (Brasília and Paris, 2021)
- Rifat Azam, Online Taxation Post Wayfair, 51 N.M. L. Rev. 116 (Winter 2021)
- Samantha Bourton, A Critical and Comparative Analysis of the Prevention of Tax Evasion through the Application of Law and Enforcement Policies in the United Kingdom and United States of America, University of the West of England, Bristol (April 2021)
- Tracy A. Kaye and Michael De Wolf, Corporate Tax: Renewed Fiscal Federalism in the USA, the EU, and Globally for the 21st Century, 18 Pitt. Tax Rev. 301 (Spring 2021)
- Richard W. Nenno, From Sea to Shining Sea: Understanding the Landscape of the State Income Taxation of Trusts and Planning to Minimize Tax Exposure, American College of Trust and Estate Counsel 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting (March 8, 2021)
- Hellerstein, Hellerstein & Appleby, State Taxation (Thomson Reuters/Tax & Accounting, 3rd ed. 2001 & Supp. 2021-1)
- Ooma, Inc. 'S Amended Opening Brief and Excerpts of Record, Ooma, Inc. v. Department of Revenue, State of Oregon, Dkt. No. S067581 (Or. December 29, 2020)
- Tatiane Dos Santos Loures Nascimento and Rogerio Dias Correia, O Propósito Negocial Como Condicionante De Validade Do PlanejamentoTributário (The Business Purpose as A Condition to the Validity of the Tax Planning), ANPCONT 2020 Congress (December 11-15, 2020)
- Richard D. Pomp, Wayfair: Its Implications and Missed Opportunities, 92 State Tax Notes 899 (June 10, 2019)
- Hayes R. Holderness and Sherfón Coles-Williams, Wayfair's Warning for Inappropriate Tax Planning, 92 St. Tax Notes 507 (May 6, 2019)
- Richard D. Pomp, Foreign Remote Vendors and the Possibility of Non-Compliance: Is the Only Thing We Have to Fear is the Fear Itself? Journal of Taxation (March 2019)
- Adam Cline and Caleb Allen, The Wayfair Decisions and Washington State's Nexus Laws, Journal of Multistate Taxation and Incentives, 29-Mar. J. Multistate Tax'n 30 (March/April 2019)
- Steven M. Hogan and Alan J. LaCerra, South Dakota v. Wayfair: The Case That Chances Everything, Florida Bar Journal, Vol. 93, No. 2, Page 22 (March/April 2019)
- Hayes Holderness, Navigating 21st Century Tax Jurisdiction (January 11, 2019)
- Michael T. Fatale, Wayfair, What's Fair, and Undue Burden, 22 Chap. L. Rev. 19 (2019) (Forthcoming 2019)
- Michael T. Fatale, Wayfair, What's Fair, and Undue Burden, 90 St. Tax Notes 857 (December 3, 2018)
- Taylor Payne, Not Completely Useless: Complete Auto Transit And State Taxation, 34 W. MICH. U. COOLEY L. REV. 261 (2018)
- Annette Nellen, A Wayfair Whirlwind of Stakeholder Considerations — Part 1, 90 St. Tax Notes 191 (October 15, 2018)
- Richard L. Cram, No Shade for Cloud Computing Income Under P.L. 86-272, 89 St. Tax Notes 1237 (September 24, 2018)
- Minnesota Center for Fiscal Excellence, A New World for State and Local Sales Taxation, Newsletter (July ~ August 2018 Volume XXXIX No. 4)
- Examining the Wayfair Decision and its Ramifications for Consumers and Small Businesses, Before the H. Comm. on Judiciary, 115th Cong. __-__ (July 24, 2018) (statement of Andrew Moylan, Executive Vice Pres. National Taxpayers Union Foundation)
- Stanely Veliotis, Do Tax-Motivated Wash Gain Sales Pass Economic Substance Muster?, 71 Tax Law. 391, 404 (2018)
- Adam B. Thimmesch , A Unifying Approach To Nexus Under The Dormant Commerce Clause, 116 Mich. Law. Rev. Online 101, (March 2018)
- Roland Hartung, In or Out: How To Treat Foreign Taxes Under the Economic Substance Doctrine, 75 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 1171 (Spring 2018)
- Lucas J. Opperman, Challenging State Sales Tax Statutes on Electronic Commerce Under the Dormant Commerce Clause, 13.2 I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy 511 (Spring 2017)
- Leandra Lederman, The Status of Judicial Anti-Abuse Doctrines if Code Section 7701(o) Were Repealed, The Surly Subgroup (February 20, 2017)
- Nicholas Giordano, Putting the Substance Back into The Economic Substance Doctrine, 11 Brook. J. of Corp. Fin. & Com. L. 469 (January 1, 2017)
- Barbara Brohl, Executive Director, Colorado Department of Revenue, Petitioner v. Direct Marketing Association, Amicus Brief of Interested Law Professors Supporting Petitioner, Dkt. No. 16-458, 2016 U.S. Briefs 458 (November 4, 2016)
- Hans Riefkohl Hernandez, The Internet and Puerto Rico's Taxing Power: How The Dormant Commerce Clause is Affecting Small and Medium Businesses and What Can Be Done About It, 85 Rev. Jur. UPR 495 (2015)
- Philip M. Tatarowicz, A History of the State and Local Taxes Committee and Its Most Recent Quarter Century of Work, 68 Tax Law. 595 (2015)
- Max Velthoven, California dreamin': a modern nexus concept for international taxation, Master's Thesis Tax Law, University of Amsterdam (August 2015)
- Marcus Lindström, Begreppet affärsmässigt motiverat - ur ett internationellt perspektiv, JUDN18 Internationell beskattning VT 2015
- Bradley T. Borden, Rethinking the Tax-Revenue Effect of REIT Taxation, 17 Fla. Tax Rev. 527 (2015)
- Practicing Law Institute, The Partnership Tax Practice Series: Planning for Domestic and Foreign Partnerships, LLCs, Joint Ventures and Other Strategic Alliances
- Practicing Law Institute, The Corporate Tax Practice Series: Strategies for Acquisitions, Dispositions, Spin-offs, Joint Ventures, Financings, Reorganizations & Restructurings
- Mike Goral and Tatyana Lirtsman, Considering a Tax Inversion? Beware of State Tax Issues, 74 State Tax Notes 47 (Oct. 6, 2014)
- Michigan Department of Attorney General and Michigan Department of Treasury v. Federal Housing Finance Agency, Petition for a Writ of Certiorari, Dkt. No. 13-237, (August 1, 2013) (available at 2013 STT 165-20)
- Scott T. Allen, Adapting to the Internet: Why Legislation Is Needed to Address the Preference for Online Sales That Deprives States of Tax Revenue, 66 Tax Law. 939, 951 Note 103 (2013)
- Metro. Life Ins. Co. v. Hamer, Amicus Curiae Brief of Council on State Taxation, 2013 IL 114234, page 3 (Opinion Issued on June 20, 2013)
- Andrew J. Haile, Sales Tax Exceptionalism, 4 Colum. J. Tax L. 136, 143 Note 20 (2012-2013)
- Bruce S. Schaeffer, Editor, The Franchise Valuations Reporter, Volume 4 - Issue 5 (May 2012)
- Adventures in Local Sales and Use Taxes, 2024 ABA-IPT Advanced Tax Seminars, March 12, 2024
- The Barbie and Ken Guide to Professionalism in Tax Practice, 2023 Annual Liaison Meeting, Louisiana Department of Revenue and Taxation Section of the Louisiana State Bar Association, December 1, 2023
- Co-Presenter, 2023 Louisiana Tax and Incentive Legislative Developments, Kean Miller Breakfast Briefing, August 29, 2023
- Jaye Calhoun and William J. Kolarik II, The Constitution: What's Left After Economic Nexus?, 2021 Annual Liaison Meeting with the Louisiana Department of Revenue and the Taxation Section of the Louisiana State Bar Association, Baton Rouge, Louisiana (December 13, 2021)
- What is Left and What is Right About Nexus and Public Law 86-272 After Wayfair?, LSBA Section of Taxation Liaison Meeting with the Louisiana Department of Revenue (November 8, 2019)
- Jaye Calhoun and William J. Kolarik II, Louisiana Update - ... New Developments in LA LA Land, Tax Executives Institute - Houston Chapter, Tax School, Houston, Texas (February 19, 2019)
- Stephanie Lipinski Galland, William J. Kolarik II, Nicholas J. Souza, and Justin B. Stone, The Next Generation of SALT Issues, American Bar Association, Tax Section Midyear Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana (January 18, 2019)
- Karl Frieden and William J. Kolarik II, State Tax Implications of Federal Tax Reform, National Association of State Bar Tax Sections, San Francisco, California (October 26, 2018)
- Jason Brown and William J. Kolarik II, State and Local Tax Implications of South Dakota v. Wayfair & Louisiana Tax Update, New Orleans Bar Association, New Orleans, Louisiana (September 20, 2018)
- Jason Brown and William J. Kolarik II, State and Local Tax Implications of South Dakota v. Wayfair & Louisiana Tax Update, Kean Miller/Hannis T. Bourgeois Joint Wayfair Presentation, Baton Rouge, Louisiana (July 31, 2018)
- Jaye Calhoun, Jason Brown and William J. Kolarik II, State and Local Tax Implications of South Dakota v. Wayfair & Louisiana Tax Update, Kean Miller Tax Briefing Seminar, Baton Rouge, Louisiana (July 26, 2018)
- Jason Brown and William J. Kolarik II, TEFRA Repeal and Transfer Pricing, University of New Orleans CPE Presentation, New Orleans, Louisiana (December 14, 2017)
- Rob Harrill and William J. Kolarik II, State Tax Aspects of REITS, State Tax Roundtable for Utilities & Power, Fall 2014 STARTUP Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana (November 4-6, 2014)
- John Heithaus, Timothy Dalton and William J. Kolarik II, State and Local Tax Matters, Presented to 22nd Annual Ernst & Young LLP Taxation of Mining Operations Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana (November 13-15, 2013)
- Andrew Miller, Michael Reno and William Joel Kolarik II, Tax Fundamentals for Rate-Regulated Utilities, Presented to PPL, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (July 27, 2013)
- William Joel Kolarik II, Ethics and You, Presented to Beta Alpha Psi, Baton Rouge, Louisiana (September 13, 2012)
- Charles Lenns, Robert Harrill, Michael Reno and William Joel Kolarik II, Rate Regulation for a Finance Professional, Presented to American Water, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (July 19, 2012)
- Michael Semes and William Joel Kolarik II, Current Developments - Tax, Power & Utilities Sector, 2012 EEI/AGA Accounting Leadership Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana (June 26, 2012)
- Marianne Evans and William Joel Kolarik II, Introduction to State and Local Tax Research, Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, District of Columbia (September 23, 2011)
- Michael Nunes, La. Liquor Wholesalers Not Liable For City Tax, Board Says, Law360 (December 2, 2022)
- Andrea Muse, Louisiana Court Upholds Partial Refund to Auto Finance Company, Tax Notes Today State, 2022 TNTS 91-2 (May 11, 2022)
- Amy Hodges, Louisiana Board Allows Tax Credit for Alabama Scholarship Org Payment, Tax Notes Today State, 2022 TNTS 55-4 (March 22, 2022)
- Donna Borak, Louisiana Couple's Donation to Alabama Group Counts as Tax Paid, Bloomberg Tax (March 17, 2022)
- Sanjay Talwani, La. Board Backs Couple's Credit For Ala. Scholarship Payment, Law360 (March 16, 2022)
- David Jacobs, State launches transfer pricing' program to reduce tax uncertainty for businesses, Greater Baton Rouge Business Report (October 29, 2021)
- Andrea Muse, Louisiana BTA Rejects Declaratory Judgment in Minimum Contacts Suit, Tax Notes Today State, 2021 TNTS 136-4 (July 19, 2021)
- Daniel Tay, UPS Can't Preempt La. Tax Assessment, Board Says, Law360 (July 16, 2021)
- Andrea Muse, La. Company Properly Apportioned Gain, Louisiana Appellate Court Holds, Tax Notes Today State, 2021 TNTS 1-3 (January 4, 2021)
- Paul Williams, La. Panel OKs Framework Of Centralized Tax Collection Plan, Law360 Tax Authority (November 16, 2020)
- Paul Williams, La. Localities Endorse Centralized Sales Tax Collection Plan, Law360 Tax Authority (October 16, 2020)
- James Nani, La. Appeals Court Affirms Apportionment Redo For Texas Co., Law360 Tax Authority
- Paul Williams, La. Lawmakers OK Refund Remedy For Unconstitutional Taxes, Law360 Tax Authority (June 7, 2019)
- Paul Williams, La. Pols Put Tax Board Jurisdiction Expansion On Ballot, Law360 Tax Authority (June 3, 2019)
- Paul Williams, La. Postpones Date For Mandatory Remote Tax Collection, Law360 Tax Authority (December 19, 2018)
- Andrea Muse, Louisiana Commission Still Struggling With 'Remote Seller' Definition, 2018 STT 219-3 (November 12, 2018)
- Andrea Muse, Louisiana DOR Revises Market-Sourcing Reg and Proposes Throwout Reg, 2018 STT 183-2 (September 20, 2018)
- Andrea Muse, Louisiana Sets Target Date for Remote Sellers, Rejects Retroactivity, 2018 STT 156-2 (August 10, 2018)
- Annie Ourso Landry, Brave new world' for e-commerce business in wake of Supreme Court ruling, Greater Baton Rouge Business Report (July 26, 2018)
- Daily Report Staff, Newsmaker of the Week: SCOTUS decision on online sales taxes, Greater Baton Rouge Business Report (June 22, 2018)
- Sean Green, Louisiana parishes considering how to realize benefit from SCOTUS Wayfair Decision, BIZ (June 22, 2018) (reprint of KM Blog Post)