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Mold Litigation

Kean Miller LLP has more than 30 years of experience in toxic tort defense, air pollution issues, and hazardous chemical exposure litigation. This vast experience, coupled with our extensive construction law and litigation expertise, offers our clients a sophisticated resource for the defense of mold, water infiltration, water damage, design and construction liability claims.

The Kean Miller LLP Mold Litigation team represents home builders, contractors, construction companies, insurers, design professionals, product manufacturers and suppliers, and municipalities. We assist clients in developing litigation strategy, trying lawsuits, preparing for and trying cases before juries, and in the mediation and arbitration of mold claims. Our lawyers come from a variety of disciplines to ensure both experience and efficiency to our clients. The Mold Litigation team includes lawyers with years of experience in construction law, environmental remediation, microbiology, toxic torts, litigation strategy, products liability, and insurance coverage. We also have extensive contacts in the technical and scientific community that allow us to provide state-of-the-art scientific, engineering and strategic risk management services.

Representative Experience
  • Representation of the general contractor in Indian casino hotel cases involving allegations of defective construction, moisture intrusion, property and personal injury, and mold exposure.
  • Representation of a national manufactured home company in connection with a proposed national class action lawsuit alleging mold and mildew, defective design and water infiltration claims in federal court and appellate court.
  • Representation of wallpaper manufacturer and distributor in connection with claims of toxic mold and mildew contamination in a building.
  • Representation of the Louisiana Municipal Association in a lawsuit filed against a construction company alleging design defects which caused water infiltration and related mold infestation.
  • Representation of a regional medical center in litigation involving defective foundation designs, improper glazing, and moisture intrusion issues.
  • Representation of a major manufacturer of commercial and industrial HVAC equipment in defending a lawsuit involving toxic mold.
  • Representation of a homeowner in defending a redhibition claim involving Exterior Insulation Forming System (EFIS) issues, moisture penetration, and toxic mold.
  • Representation of a manufacturer of Exterior Insulation Forming System (EIFS) in moisture penetration and mold claim.
  • Representation of a roofing subcontractor in defending defective construction claim, water intrusion, and mold in a condominium complex.
  • Representation of a roofing contractor in water intrusion, mold, and defective construction of large commercial regional headquarters building.
  • Representation of an insurer of a dirt hauler fleet who allegedly transported and placed contaminated soil in a planned residential development.
  • Representation of a cement supplier in claims for faulty work and defective product in a truck stop/casino development.
  • Representation of numerous subcontractors in defending against defective construction claims in a wide range of commercial and residential facilities.