Tod J. Everage
PartnerFrom Fortune 500 corporations to small business energy companies and emerging alternative energy enterprises, Tod advises on the transactional, regulatory, and litigation challenges and opportunities they face daily. Tod has earned his reputation of excellence for guiding clients through the legal challenges associated with all types of offshore, midstream, maritime, and environmental issues, including those involving the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA), Natural Gas Act, NEPA, Deepwater Port Act, Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and Jones Act, among others. These clients also appreciate Tod’s ability to interface with and get the right result when representing and advocating their interests before state and federal regulators, such as the Maritime Administration (MARAD), Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), and U.S. Coast Guard on issues involving regulation and permitting, enforcement actions, and dispute resolution.
Notably, Tod brings significant and hands-on experience to supporting energy companies with their large-scale infrastructure projects, including offshore Deepwater Ports, LNG export facilities, carbon capture, emissions reduction technology, and renewable energy ideas. He advises on all aspects of these often intense, fast-paced, and complicated initiatives by advising on issues that range from project planning and development to regulatory compliance, federal permitting, local/state agency approvals, and licensing to project execution and post-implementation.
For many entrepreneurs and smaller businesses, Tod serves as outside general counsel. In addition to advising on, negotiating, and closing a wide variety of contractual arrangements, Tod delivers actionable advice on risk mitigation and commercial planning to meet his client’s short- and long-term commercial objectives.
An experienced litigator and trial attorney, Tod spent most of his career litigating in state, federal, and appellate courts on claims involving complex offshore and maritime issues. He has tried multiple cases to verdict, briefed and argued appeals in both state and federal forums, and mediated nearly one hundred cases to a favorable resolution. Litigating contractual and commercial disputes has allowed Tod to bring a litigation-minded approach to his transactional work, hoping to keep his clients out of court. Tod continues to litigate when necessary, primarily related to environmental permit challenges for infrastructure projects and offshore cases.
Energy company presidents, in-house counsel, and laymen appreciate that Tod takes the time to understand their specific needs and then proactively identify and provide pragmatic action items that can mitigate future problems. Tod believes in productive communication with opposing counsel and matter constituents, often resulting in finding common ground that does not compromise his client’s position. Having conducted hundreds of depositions over the course of his career, Tod relates to all types of individuals at all levels of sophistication – a value-add to every client he feels privileged to serve.
- Lead counsel for offshore export terminal owners in the preparation of Deepwater Port Act License Applications filed with MARAD and the U.S. Coast Guard in the pursuit of a license to export LNG and crude oil
- Representation of LPG, NGL, and LNG export terminal owners and sponsors in site analysis, regulatory permitting, and project development
- Represented a maritime service company in its commercial acquisition and sale
- Experience in drafting, reviewing, and negotiating Master Service Agreements, Professional Services Agreements, subcontracts, Charter Agreements, Non-Disclosure Agreements, and other vendor contracts related to the oilfield, maritime, environment, and construction industries
- Outside general counsel to several companies in the oilfield service, EPC, and maritime industries
- Assisted in the formation and initial startup of several midstream service companies, as well as provides regular corporate and transactional advice relevant to their businesses
- Representation of clients in private equity and capital funding raises and the negotiation of equity agreements
- Representation of leaseholders before the Louisiana State Energy & Mineral Board
- Representation of oil companies related to oil spills, remediation, and environmental enforcement with the Louisiana Oil Spill Coordinator’s Office (LOSCO) and U.S. Department of Interior related to Natural Resources Damage Assessments (NRDA)
- Representation of permit applicants in matters with federal agencies, such as MARAD, EPA, US Coast Guard, and US Army Corps
- Representation of an International Caribbean vessel fleet owner in U.S. Coast Guard compliance disputes, vessel acquisitions, and corporate governance
- Counsel to foreign and domestic vessel owners and operators related to Jones Act compliance and flag state issues
- Multiple trials in state and federal courts regarding commercial and property disputes and personal injury defense
- Extensive experience assisting clients with state and federal court appellate briefing and oral argument
- Experience defending challenges to federal environmental permits for energy projects
- Represented leaseholders in contract disputes over ownership of state leases and production platforms
- Experience in maritime attachment and vessel arrest proceedings on behalf of lienholders and vessel owners
- Experience representing offshore oil and gas platform owners and operators in defense of personal injury claims and in the prosecution of property damage claims associated with well blowouts, vessel allisions, and other issues, including analysis and litigation of contractual defense and indemnity issues
- Experience in representing drilling companies and oil companies in lawsuits filed by offshore workers based on the Jones Act, General Maritime Law, Louisiana state law, and the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act (LHWCA)
- Experience in representing vessel owners, manufacturers, and shipyards in catastrophic casualty claims involving product liability and property damage, as well as vessel allision and collision cases
- Experience representing pipeline owners in disputes over servitudes (right-of-ways), pipeline damages, and contractual dispute
- Loyola University New Orleans College of Law, J.D., cum laude, 2009
- Advocate and Board Member, Trial Advocacy Program
- Recipient, William Crowe Scholar
- Louisiana State University, B.S., 2004
- Louisiana
- Texas
- United States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit
- United States District Court for the Eastern, Middle, and Western Districts of Louisiana
- United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas
- United States Court of International Trade
- Member, Vice-Chair Programming, Executive Committee (Vice-Chair Programming); Advisory Board; Past Chair, Young Energy Professionals (YEP) Committee, Institute for Energy Law (IEL)
- Member, Offshore Committee, Louisiana Mid-Continent Oil & Gas Association (LMOGA)
- Member, Federal Bar Association (FBA)
- Member, Louisiana State Bar Association (LSBA)
- Member, New Orleans Bar Association (NOBA)
- Member, Houston Bar Association (HBA)
- Offshore Marine Services Association (OMSA)
- Panelist, Renewables and Re-old-ables: The Long History of the Renewable Project, Institute for Energy Law's 3rd Conference on Renewable Project, April 25, 2024
- Panelist, Selling Yourself and Your Firm, Institute for Energy Law's 7th National Young Energy Professional's Law Conference, March 27, 2024
- OPA 90 or CERCLA? The U.S. Fifth Circuit Settles Which Applies to Mixed Oil Spills, Louisiana Law Blog, November 22, 2023
- Energy Offshore - Litigation Impacting Energy Export and Offshore Development, Institute for Energy Law 22nd Annual Energy Litigation Conference, November 2, 2023
- Co-Chair, 6th Annual IEL-YEP National Conference, New Orleans, LA, October 2022
- BOEM Begins Key Environmental Assessment In Preparation for Offshore Wind Development in the GOM, Louisiana Law Blog, January 13, 2022
- Moderator, Succeeding as a Young Energy Professional, 5th Annual IEL-YEP National Conference, Austin, TX, October 2021
- Biden Administration “Pauses” Oil and Gas Leases and Permits, Industry Responds, Louisiana Law Blog, January 29, 2021
- Coast Guard Proposes to Clean Up Environmental Regulations Governing Tankers, Louisiana Law Blog, May 15, 2020
- From Bow to Stern: A Quick Look at Maritime Litigation, IEL YEP National Conference, San Antonio, TX, April 2019
- Update: Supreme Court Rejects Punitive Damages for Unseaworthiness Claims, Louisiana Law Blog, June 24, 2019
- Your Real Legal Education Starts After You Graduate, The Energy Dispatch, Issue 5, April 2019
- UPDATE: Supreme Court grants writs in Dutra v. Batterton, Louisiana Law Blog, December 19, 2018
- Be Careful How You Word Your Contracts and Complaints: 5th Circuit Silences "Prevailing Party" Fee Provision in JOA Dispute, Louisiana Law Blog, December 4, 2018
- Instructor, Introduction to Maritime Depositions - Skills Course, Loyola University New Orleans College of Law, November 10, 2018
- U.S. Fifth Circuit's New Doiron Test Finds P&A Contract to be Maritime, but What if the Work Occurred on the OCS?, Louisiana Law Blog, July 19, 2018
- U.S. 5th Circuit Addresses McCorpen, Unseaworthiness, and OSHA Preemption in Recent Case, Louisiana Law Blog, April 13, 2018
- Instructor, Drafting a Federal Maritime Complaint - Skills Course, Loyola University New Orleans College of Law, January 30, 2018
- Majority of EDLA Judges Acknowledge Continued Viability of Scarborough to Bar Punitive Damages Against Third Parties in Jones Act Cases, Louisiana Law Blog, February 9, 2017
- Out with Davis and Sons and in with Doiron: The 5th Circuit Simplifies Maritime Contract Test, Louisiana Law Blog, January 9, 2018
- Eyes on the Bayou: The Future of Offshore Regulation Begins in Louisiana, The Energy Dispatch Issue 1, December 2017
- On First Impression, U.S. 5th Circuit Recognizes its Jurisdiction to Review Summary Judgement Denials on Legal Issues Even After a Jury Trial, Louisiana Law Blog, July 7, 2017
- BOEM Announces Proposal to Sell 73 Million Acres of Gulf of Mexico Leases, Louisiana Law Blog, March 22, 2017
- U.S. 5th Circuit: Plaintiffs Can Recover Only LHWCA Medical Benefits Paid, Not Billed, Louisiana Law Blog, December 6, 2016
- U.S. 5th Circuit Affirms That Tension Leg Platforms (TLP's) are not Vessels, Louisiana Law Blog, August 29, 2016
- Helpful Information for FEMA Aid and Flood Claims, Louisiana Law Blog, August 16, 2016
- EDLA Confirms that LHWCA Medical Benefits are not Subject to Collateral Source Rule, Louisiana Law Blog, June 6, 2016
- Update: Fights Continue Over the Availability of Punitive Damages In Maritime Cases, Louisiana Law Blog, April 25, 2016
- Non-Signatories to Master Service Agreement Can Benefit from Louisiana's Statutory Employer Defense Says U.S. Fifth Circuit, Louisiana Law Blog, April 11, 2016
- Louisiana Appeals Court Acknowledges Preemption of State Law Over Parish Zoning Ordinances in Fracking Fight, Louisiana Law Blog, March 11, 2016
- U.S. 5th Circuit Holds that Platform Decommissioning Operations Fall Under Louisiana Oilfield Indemnity Act, Louisiana Law Blog, March 7, 2016
- Fights Continue Over the Availability of Punitive Damages in Maritime Cases, Louisiana Law Blog, December 21, 2015
- EPA Extends Public Comment Period on Proposed Rulemaking for Fracking Wastewater, Louisiana Law Blog, June 2, 2015
- Update: U.S. Supreme Court Denies Writs in McBride v. Estis Well Service, Louisiana Law Blog, May 28, 2015
- EDLA Judge: Punitive Damages are Unavailable to Plaintiffs Injured on the Outer Continental Shelf as a Matter of Law, Louisiana Law Blog, March 31, 2015
- Failure by One Plaintiff (Out of Four) in Consolidated Litigation to Adequately Plead Admiralty Jurisdiction Lost Bench Trial for All, Louisiana Law Blog, March 30, 2015.
- 11th Circuit Rejects Long-Standing 5th Circuit Barbetta Rule Thereby Allowing Passengers to Sue Shipowners for the Negligence of its Medical Staff, Louisiana Law Blog, December 10, 2014.
- Eastern District of Louisiana Adopts Definition for "Perlis of the Sea" for Seaman Status Analysis, Louisiana Law Blog, January 2014
- U.S. Fifth Circuit Holds that OCSLA Removal is Proper in Maritime Cases, Louisiana Law Blog, May 2013
- Fifth Circuit Clarifies and Reiterates its Standard for "Course and Scope of Employment" Under Jones Act, Louisiana Law Blog, November 2012
- "Rising Star," Louisiana Super Lawyers, 2016-2019
- "Leadership in Law Award," New Orleans CityBusiness, 2020
- Board Member, Lafayette Square Conservancy